#salewawarmup: Motorialab at ISPO 2016 with Salewa

Start a collaboration with one of the masters of outdoor sports like Salewa means measure and propose new solutions that meet client’s desires in terms of technological applications. Focussing on quality and functionality of the product. Here starts as a sort of a game the tech support for prototyping the warmup display that Salewa asked us to pack. If it happens to you in these days to visit Salewa @ISPO you find it there ready for you. How does it work: you arrive at the warmup dislplay, a thermal camera takes a thermal selfie that you can send to a email address.

Thanks to Salewa for believing in Motorialab and bringing a small piece of our job into the world’s biggest sport fair. See you@ISPO 2016 in Munich!
Thanks to smar3k for the support and the collaboration.
See ya @ ISPO 2016 Munich!

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